How To Make Auto Tune Wiht Studio One

  1. How To Make Auto Tune With Studio One Online
  2. How To Use Auto Tune
  3. Free Auto Tune Studio Download
  4. How To Make Auto Tune With Studio One Free
  5. How To Get Auto Tune

Mar 07, 2016  How to use Antares Auto-Tune Automatic Mode In Studio One Unless you've been living under a rock for the past decade, there's a good chance that you've heard of Antares Auto-Tune before. In this video we look at Antares Auto-Tune's Automatic Mode running in Studio One.

30 Free Plug-Ins Including Auto Pitch Correction, Dynamics, And More

As part of this update, their MFreeEffectsBundle is now available free. MFreeEffectsBundle includes;

  1. MAGC
  2. MAnalyzer
  3. MAutoPitch
  4. MAutopan
  5. MBandPass
  6. MBitFun
  7. MChannelMatrix
  8. MComb
  9. MCompressor
  10. MEqualizer
  11. MFlanger
  12. MFreeformPhase
  13. MFreqShifter
  14. MLoudnessAnalyzer
  15. MNoiseGenerator
  16. MNotepad
  17. MOscillator
  18. MOscilloscope
  19. MPhaser
  20. MRatio
  21. MRecorder
  22. MRingModulator
  23. MSaturator
  24. MStereoExpander
  25. MStereoScope
  26. MTremolo
  27. MTuner
  28. MUtility
  29. MVibrato
  30. MWaveFolder
  31. MWaveShaper

It would be an impressive bundle if paid for, but as a free bundle, it’s well worth grabbing. Melda even give an option to extend the plug-in features for a small price.

Many of these plug-ins include multi-channel audio and M/S options.

They are available in AAX, Audio Units and VST.

Check out the Melda website it’s well worth supporting them.

To load an ARA instance of Auto-Tune Pro, you must add it as an “Event FX” insert on a specific audio event. There are few ways to do so in Studio One.

The simplest way to do this is to press and hold down the “Option / Alt” key and then click and drag the VST3 version of Auto-Tune Pro from Studio One’s “Effects” menu onto an audio event.

Auto-Tune Pro will now open up with the audio data automatically tracked into Graph Mode:

Autotune download

An alternate method is to first click on an audio event and then click on the “Event FX” drop-down tab (triangle):

Click on the '+' to open the Event FX drop-down menu:

How To Make Auto Tune With Studio One Online

Select Auto-Tune Pro VST3 from the plug-in menu:

How To Use Auto Tune

Auto-Tune Pro will now open up with the audio data automatically tracked into Graph Mode:

Free Auto Tune Studio Download

How To Make Auto Tune With Studio One Free

How To Get Auto Tune